'How I went from bloodied Killing Fields of Cambodia to working at Sainsbury's'
by KhmerLife on Mar 18, 2019

Sokphal, seventh from the right in red trousers as a teenager, saw his family wiped out by the brutal Khmer Rouge. Sokphal Din, 61, lost nearly 60 members of his family – including his father and six-year-old brother – under Pol Pot’s brutal Khmer Rouge regime, which was overthrown 40 years ago. A solitary photo of his parents together is the only picture Sokphal Din still has of his dad.
The last time they spoke, Deuon Din told his son, then still a child, it was now his job to look after his family. Continue read article at https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/how-went-bloodied-killing-fields-13664957