Prey Veng: Ancient tombs that archaeologists have concluded are from theΒ
Funan period of the 1st to the 5th century were found in Takhov Commune, Prey Veng.
Voeuth Vuthy, director of the Department of Archeology and Prehistoricology of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, said archaeologists had found the graves of six bodies in the upper layers of land, buried 2-3 metres deep. Artifacts buried alongside the dead were also discovered.
The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, thanked the Chinese companies who supported this research project to find the foundation of Funan's culture.
All collections of excavation will be displayed at Prey Veng Prefecture.
Mr. Voeuth Vuthy said all collected pieces will be preserved as national treasures and kept to the next generations to understand and recognize.
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