
Who’s cover is best? (Sday Snea Aphorp by Lokta Sinn Sisamouth)

by KhmerLife on Apr 19, 2020

Who’s cover is best? (Sday Snea Aphorp by Lokta Sinn Sisamouth)

Alright, lets have some fun and vote for the best cover of Lokta Sinn Sisamouth’s song Sday Snea Aphorp (????????????????). Cast your votes below.

Note: All votes are anonymous and limited to one vote per day. Covers are in alphabetical order by artist name.

[yop_poll id=”1″]
King of Khmer music

Ago (Sday Snea Aphorp) 

Euan Gray – Unlucky Love ?????????????????? (Sday Snea Aphorp)

Jay Chan X Boty Phen – ???????????????? Sdai Sne Aphorp

SATIYA – ????????????????? Sday Snaih Aphorp

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