SIEM REAP, Cambodia: Ant spring rolls, silkworm taro croquettes and a “bug mac” – Cambodia’s first insect tapas restaurant is mixing cocktail culture with creepy crawler fare.
At the busy “Bugs Cafe” in the tourist town of Siem Reap, chef Seiha Soeun stands over a sizzling wok in the kitchen tossing in crickets, grasshoppers, tarantulas and scorpions.
Sold at street vendors or in Instagram-friendly tourist spots, insects aren’t new to Cambodian palates.
But they are usually served one way: fried, with dipping sauce, and maybe a cold beer.
“We have a different kind of menu,” Seiha said, adding that he practiced making the “bug mac” – a patty of pureed ant, bee, silkworm and cricket topped with a slice of cheese and pickle –�many times to get it just right.
Source at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/cambodia-bug-insect-cafe-tapas-food-12137166