He became a famous anthropologist and award-winning film director. He filmed both lives during the glorious era of Sangkum Reastr Niyum (1955-1970) and the struggle of Cambodian people in Khmer Rouge and post-Khmer Rouge communist era. While preparing for his photo exhibition and film screening in Cambodia's Meta House, Feingold is talking to Taing Rinith about the epic life journey so far.
GT2: Can you tell us about your first visit to Cambodia? What were your early impressions of the country at that time?
Feingold: When I was about 12 years old, I read an international, hard-cover edition of American Heritage magazine about the wonders of the world. It contained an incredible photograph of the Bayon temple taken by Marc Riboud, a famous French photographer. Once I saw that I told myself I had to see it in the flesh.
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