This vast and beautiful landscape is actually Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake. It doesn't look the way nature intended. because it's dry season. And what's going on isn't really a pretty picture.
Dry season means that the Tonle Sap loses most of its water.a fact made worse by climate change. Wet season means that acres of farmland and entire forests are submerged.with stilted housed and villages stranded in the middle of Southeast Asia's largest lake.
The Tonle Sap Lake is in trouble. But Senglong Youk is coming to its aid.
As a former monk and the current Tonle Sap Lake Waterkeeper, Senglong protects the lake from illegal fishing, overfishing, and hydropower dam construction. He defends his lake in spite of the fact that other environmental activists have been murdered for their cause.
Follow story at: https://waterkeeper.org/warrior/senglong-youk/