Not Just Cardi B's Nail Artist: Jenny Bui Explains How Surviving Khmer Rouge Gave Her Fearless Determination As An Entrepreneur
by KhmerLife on Nov 27, 2019

Far more than just bling, though, Bui, who runs a salon in the Bronx borough of New York City, is also something of a poster child for female entrepreneurship. She has built up a business from nothing but hard work, long hours, and sheer determination to keep going in the face of hard times. And where most entrepreneurs learn those lessons as they grow their businesses, Bui encountered them much earlier in life - and under far more harrowing circumstances.
Bui was born in Cambodia, where she lived a relatively normal life until the age of five, when the Khmer Rouge regime rose to power. It's estimated that during its four-year reign, that regime - known for being autocratic, xenophobic, and repressive - murdered nearly 2 million people, or around a quarter of Cambodia's population. Those who escaped death endured forced labor, starvation, and physical violence, among many other horrors.
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