Chanda Kun was once a teenager, about to graduate high school, who drank too much one night and got into a fight. The punches he threw not only landed him in jail, where he served 7.5 years for his conviction, but they also may send him to a country he has never even visited, a place he's only heard of through stories passed down from older generations.
It's been nearly two decades since that night, and Chanda has spent the entire rest of his life transforming it. Yet, cruel and unjust US immigration laws erase his years of rehabilitation and seek to punish him?-?and his family?-?further.
Continue read article at: https://medium.com/@communications_22626/keep-southeast-asian-american-families-together-ba46d22de645?fbclid=IwAR2t-8DC1JQFQ3OJgb7-qLcU26NQJ-M3EmRk0sYfyIvpC6l-wyX38kKhTF4h