
Jasmine Kong – In The Face of Struggle, She Fought Back

by KhmerLife on Sep 18, 2019

Jasmine Kong – In The Face of Struggle, She Fought Back

Some say life can change in a matter of moments. In 2017, Jasmine Kong learned that firsthand. While playing for the varsity women's basketball team at Arroyo High School, she looked into the crowd of parents sitting on the sidelines. She then noticed the absence of her father.

He never misses a game,Β she thought. Minutes turned into hours. There was still no sign of her father. Concern turned into worry. Kong went home with her mother, searching for her father. He didn't come home that night.It would be hours until Kong's mother received a text from her husband. The text held fateful information: his life hung in the balance. Kong and her mother learned that he was being threatened with gang violence.

If Kong's father did not pay up in a certain amount of time, he would receive a bullet to the head. At that moment, Kong looked to God the most, she said.

Kong's father returned home, but with his arrival came debt. Kong was in financial strain; money from her savings, college and family fund was gone.

Life seemed dim, but little did she know at the time, her tenacity would pull her through. In her most vulnerable moment, she remained mighty.

ToοΏ½strangers, Kong may seem timid and soft spoken. But she isn't afraid to speak her mind and protect the ones she loves. She is dedicated to female empowerment, her faith, family, and culture but, according to Kong, she is breaking barriers for Cambodian women.

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