- Richard Yim, the Cambodian co-founder of Demine Robotics, the makers of a robot that is able to extract landmines safely - hence saving lives.
Never would I have imagined that to be on the cover page of Forbes. I grew up like any other kids here in Cambodia before I went to Canada at 13. Never felt different or special among my peers.
When I started Demine Robotics with my friends, the goal is to build a company that based on the merit of our technology so we work hard to make it happen. There is still a long way to go and we have the right team to deliver the results. Dare to dream.
Full article at https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbespr/2019/04/01/forbes-releases-2019-30-under-30-asia-list/?fbclid=IwAR06LDxch2XNIJBVcibZA9SlcBuKh9vGwcEbYbY-DZglW0z0eOZpOrWMYMQ#70705a053f72
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